We've extended the deadline for entries to our next photography exhibit until May 15. The theme for this show is "I love books!" so send us photos related to books and reading. Take a selfie with your favorite librarian or bookseller (ask permission first, of course). Photograph a still life of your favorite titles. Snap a picture of friends and family acting out a scene from your favorite book. Take an interesting shot of your favorite library, bookstore, or place to read. Be as imaginative as you like! The photographs can be edited however you choose but the final result should look good at an image size of 13x19 inches. Photographers are free to use any device that they like to take the pictures but entries must be submitted electronically to enorton [at] mcmillanlibrary.org (enorton[at]mcmillanlibrary[dot]org) by 5pm on May 15. Each photographer may submit one photo. We will matte and frame the selections for the exhibit for display in our gallery space and then, after the exhibit, photographers may take home their framed photos. This exhibit will be displayed in June in our lower level gallery space. Visit our online gallery to see photos from past exhibits! See complete rules here.