
Teen Summer Game Days

When (Date)
All-Purpose Room

It's summer & it's time to play. Join us for games, fun and friendship from 2 PM till 4 PM

on 6/19, 7/10, 8/14 in the McMillan Library All-Purpose Room.

Outdoor Messy Crafts at Robinson Park

When (Date)

McMillan Library is partnering with the Wisconsin Parks & Rec Department to offer 3 different outdoor craft events featuring tools and materials too messy for indoor use. This is a free event with all materials and supplies provided, on a first come, first served basis, while supplies last. Please register online (below) so that we have enough supplies. Everyone is welcome to come in the 2-4 window but last crafts should be started by 3:30 PM. All ages are welcome including ages 3-11 with a parent.

WRPS JOM Cultural Event -- Learn Native American Beading

When (Date)
All-Purpose Room

The WRPS JOM group is sponsoring a free Native American beading activity at McMillan Library!  There will also be food and drink.  All materials and supplies will be provided.  Brandi Redbird and Kerry Lynn Thompson will be on site to instruct participants in beading and assist with the activity.  This is for all ages, with parents needing to accompany any younger children.


Teen Volunteer Tuesdays

When (Date)

Need to get your volunteer hours in? Building up your resume? Joins us Tuesdays in May and June, when we will spend warm days helping out at the community garden and cool or rainy days crafting for our community in the library.  Sign up below.

Red Cross Blood Drive

When (Date)
All-Purpose Room

The Red Cross will be holding a blood drive that is open to the public.  You can save up to 3 lives just by donating blood.  Adults and teens 16 and over are eligible to donate.  Visit redcrossblood.org or call 1-800-733-2767 to register for an appointment between 10am and 3pm.  You can also drop by to see if there are any openings to donate.  Face coverings are optional for donors.  Thank you for saving lives!

Teen Summer Game Days

When (Date)
All-Purpose Room

It's summer & it's time to play. Join us for games, fun and friendship from 2 PM till 4 PM

on 6/19, 7/10, 8/14 in the McMillan Library All-Purpose Room.

Teen Volunteer Tuesdays

When (Date)

Need to get your volunteer hours in? Building up your resume? Joins us Tuesdays in May and June, when we will spend warm days helping out at the community garden and cool or rainy days crafting for our community in the library.  Sign up below.

Boba Bonanza

When (Date)
The Studio

Taste test some delicious Boba Tea flavors while making Boba inspired Slime!

For kids ages 11-18. Registration is required. 

Boba tea will be made with water.