
Tabletop Game Gather

All-Purpose Room

Join us for a day of tabletop gaming!

Drop in anytime and choose from our massive tabletop game collection. Learn to play a new game or play an old favorite.

We will have a selection of games ready to go and some game enthusiasts to show you the ropes. Play games – meet gamers.

All ages welcome.

Family Fun - Learn to Sew

McMillan Library's All Purpose Room

McMillan Library is partnering with our local 4-H to present this series of sewing classes. Beginning with basics and making a couple of projects. Space is limited. The classes build on each other, so we do want you to commit to all three dates. The classes will take place from 6:00-7:00 p.m. on the following dates: January 10th, February 7th, and March 7th. Participants must be aged 8-11 and will need to be accompanied by an adult (you can learn some fun stuff too adults!) Registration is required. Space is limited.

Community Event - Puzzle Swap

McMillan Library's Commons Area

This is your chance to exchange jigsaw puzzles you have already put together and no longer need with new to you puzzles. We ask that any puzzles you bring in for exchange have all pieces included. Also, to make it less likely that puzzle pieces get mixed up, please place the pieces of each puzzle into a zip top bag inside the original box. Space in the Library Commons area will be set aside for these three days for the puzzle swap.