
Write Night

McCourt Room

This is an ongoing writing group that is dedicated to encouraging exploration and refinement of writing craft. We will read each other’s work, provide feedback, and talk all things literary. Please bring a laptop, or paper and a writing instrument. 

All adults welcome. More information regarding our process and google docs will be provided at our monthly meeting. (We use google docs to collaborate month-to-month: reading works before meetings allows us to spend more time critiquing.) 

Trivia Night!

All–Purpose Room

Join us for a night of quizzing and prizes! Pizza, snacks, and refreshments provided. Thursday, November 10th at 7pm. Register as a team or individually.

Community members choose their own teams of 5 to 8 people. (People will be placed on teams by staff when necessary.) Over the course of two hours teams will compete against each other to be crowned the trivia champions! Winners will receive a small prize for their erudite efforts.


History Bike Trip Rescheduled

McMillan Library and around town

Join us for a short bike trip back into history as we travel to the northern part of Wisconsin Rapids and discover it's 'turbulent' history. This is the raincheck date for this event. Everyone aged 11 and up is welcome to attend. Sign-Up by Emailing Miss Alicia as noted in the image.

McMillan Book Club

McCourt Room

Join us this month as we discuss The Shepherd's Life by James Rebanks.

A book about continuity and roots and a sense of belonging in an age that’s increasingly about mobility and self-invention. It’s a book about a way of life essentially unchanged for centuries in an era that’s all about change and flux. And it’s a book about a farming family whose history has played out in the fields.